Update as of 25 July 2023
AHC Training Update: ASQA Grants Extended Transition for Several AHC Qualifications
In a clear demonstration of its commitment to student success and fair education practices, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has approved an extended transition period for various qualifications in the agriculture and horticulture sectors. This AHC training update allows learners more time to complete their courses and attain their certifications.
ASQA has the authority to grant longer transition periods than those stated in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b), and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 in particular circumstances. This flexibility is applied when a genuine disadvantage to a group of learners can be demonstrated if an extension isn’t granted.
The qualifications benefiting from this extended transition period span a wide range of areas, including:
- AHC10216 Certificate I in Agri-food Operations
- AHC10316 Certificate I in Horticulture
- AHC20116 Certificate II in Agriculture
- AHC20416 Certificate II in Horticulture
- AHC30116 Certificate III in Agriculture
- AHC30716 Certificate III in Horticulture
- AHC32816 Certificate III in Rural Operations
- AHC33719 Certificate III in Protected Horticulture
- AHC40116 Certificate IV in Agriculture
- AHC40416 Certificate IV in Horticulture
- AHC50116 Diploma of Agriculture
- AHC50416 Diploma of Horticulture
- AHC51216 Diploma of Community Coordination and Facilitation
Thanks to this AHC training update, the newly extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period will last until 22 January 2025.
A Window of Opportunity for RTOs and Learners
During the extended transition period, RTOs can continue enrolling and commencing students in these listed qualifications. However, students must complete their courses, receive their qualifications or statements of attainment, or transition to a replacement qualification by the end of this transition period.
This AHC training update on the extended transition deadline received a ringing endorsement from Skills Impact, the Agribusiness Jobs and Skills Council.
Importantly, these qualifications will remain within the scope of registration for RTOs until the conclusion of the approved extended transition period. This guarantees continued access to vital resources and support for students throughout their educational journey, paving the way for their success in these dynamic industries.
This significant move from ASQA signifies a proactive step towards promoting accessible, quality education for learners in agriculture and horticulture.
Update as of 19 May 2023
Extended Transition Period for AHC Qualification Unit Approved by ASQA
ASQA possesses the discretion to approve transition periods that go beyond the predefined timelines mentioned in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b), and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. These extensions serve as a lifeline for learners who would face a genuine disadvantage if they were not granted additional time to complete their qualifications.
In line with the Guidance for Providers – Learner Transition, ASQA thoroughly assesses transition requests when it can be substantiated that a specific cohort of learners would suffer genuine disadvantages without an approved extension. This process involves a careful evaluation of the circumstances surrounding the qualification and the potential impact on learners’ educational journeys.
AHC20616 Certificate II in Parks and Gardens: An Approved Extension
Foundation Training Australia Pty Ltd (RTO 31972) is an esteemed training organisation offering the AHC20616 Certificate II in Parks and Gardens qualification. Recognising the unique needs of their learners, the organisation sought an extended transition period for this particular program. After conducting a comprehensive review, ASQA granted the request, allowing for an extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period. This extension will remain in effect until 31 May 2023, providing learners with the time and resources they need to complete their qualification successfully.
What Do RTOs Need To Do?
In the ever-evolving landscape of vocational education, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) must stay current with the latest updates in the AHC training package.
- Assess Alignment: To begin, assess the alignment of the AHC training updates with your current program. If the updates do not align, consider applying for a scope of registration that encompasses the new changes. This step ensures that your RTO remains compliant and delivers training that meets industry standards.
- Update Resources: It is crucial to update your training materials to reflect the changes introduced in the AHC training updates. Update and adapt your resources to align with the new competencies, skills, and knowledge outlined in the package.
- Stay Ahead: Actively seek out the latest AHC training updates and resources from reputable developers. Stay informed about any modifications or additions to the training package and incorporate them into your training programs.
- Transition Smoothly: Smoothly manage the transition of students from the previous program to the updated version. Ensure that students who are already enrolled complete their courses within the given deadline. For those who are yet to start or are in progress, consider transferring them to the updated program, providing a seamless transition that minimises disruption to their learning journey.
We have a wide range of learner-ready training materials. Contact us today to request free samples and personalised guidance, enabling you to enhance the learning experience for your students.