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Training Conferences and Webinars Your RTO Needs to Attend in 2023

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), staying up-to-date with the latest industry developments and developing employee skills are essential. One of the most effective ways to keep up with the changing VET industry while giving relevant staff training is by attending training conferences and webinars.

Conferences give employees up-to-date staff training while enhancing their professional skills and knowledge. These events also allow you to discover new technologies and techniques and might help you acquire new clients and partnerships.

So, we have compiled a simple guide to help you find suitable events to attend and prepare for this year! Learn here what training conferences and webinars you should participate in 2023 for staff training.

Upcoming Conferences for RTO Professional Development

  1. VET Policy and Compliance Summit
    The summit covers various topics, including quality assurance, compliance, accreditation, and best practices in training and assessment. The training conference features a range of keynote speakers, workshops, panel discussions, interactive networking opportunities, and a trade show floor. Plus, it’s the perfect platform for RTOs to gain valuable insights and information for staff training, improve their operations, and stay compliant with industry regulations.
    When and Where:
    Sydney, 2 and 3 March 2023
  2. Annual Declaration on Compliance Workshop
    The Annual Declaration on Compliance is an important event for RTOs in Australia. Hosted by Insources, this workshop is designed to help RTOs understand their obligations and responsibilities under the VET Quality Framework. The event brings together industry experts, RTO managers, and compliance specialists to share their knowledge and provide practical advice on how to meet the annual declaration requirements.
    When and Where:
    Sydney, 3 March
    Brisbane, 6 March
    Melbourne, 7 March
    Adelaide, 8 March
    Tasmania, 9 March
    Perth, 10 March
  3. ITEC23 Conference
    The conference offers a range of interactive sessions, workshops, and forums that explore current and emerging trends, best practices, and critical challenges in the industry. Your RTO will have the opportunity to network with peers, learn from leading industry experts, and gain valuable insights and inspiration for your organisations. With its focuss on innovation and collaboration, ITEC is the ideal event for RTOs looking to take their organisation to the next level.
    When and Where:
    Gold Coast, 7 to 9 June 2023
  4. National Skills Week
    National Skills Week is an annual celebration of the skills and knowledge that are important for Australia’s future. RTOs can participate in this event by hosting workshops, open days, and other events to showcase their programs and services. This is an excellent opportunity for RTOs to engage with the broader community, raise awareness of their offerings, and attract new students.
    When and Where:
    TBD – 21 to 27 August 2023
  5. EduTECH
    Find out the latest and innovative technology and solutions in the education sector at EduTECH. The event provides a platform for educators, administrators, and experts to connect, share ideas, and explore new solutions to drive excellence in teaching and learning. Attendees can expect to learn about the latest trends and technologies in education at this training conference. RTOs can also network with industry leaders and experts and discover new products and services to support their educational institutions.
    When and Where:
    Melbourne, 24 and 25 August 2023
  6. Community Colleges Australia (CCA) Conference
    The CCA Conference is an activity-packed conference that gathers not only VET experts but also community college leaders and policymakers. The annual event features panel discussions, workshops, and keynote speeches about various topics involving the community college sector. There is no announcement yet on when and where the conference will happen, but it typically occurs in the later period of the year.
    When and where:
    Sydney, 10 and 11 October 2023
  7. National VET Conference
    Hosted by the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET), the National VET Conference is Australia’s largest annual gathering of RTOs. It provides a platform for RTOs to connect with industry leaders, gain new insights into the latest trends and innovations, and learn about new policies and regulations that may impact their operations.
    When and Where:
    Gold Coast, 2 and 3 November 2023
  8. TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) Convention
    Gain insights and build a network with technical and further education (TAFE) directors and industry experts at the TDA convention. This event gives RTOs the platform to exchange ideas and explore the latest developments and trends in TAFE education. Although the details have not been announced yet, this anticipated gathering is usually held in the later months of the year.
    When and where:
    Sydney, 8 and 9 May 2024

Aside from the mentioned gatherings, the eSkilled team also has webinars your team could attend for staff training. Our webinars delve into the features of eSkilled SMS and LMS so you can maximise the use of your training and management software. Get tips and be among the first to get sneak peeks by joining these forums!

Whether you want to improve your knowledge and skills or stay informed and connected, these training conferences are the events you don’t want to miss. Our team will participate in some of these gatherings, and we’d be happy to chat with you. Reach out to us through the form to know more.

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